2017 JSCC Champion



Last week Will Dyrdal wrapped up the 2017 Junior Saloon Car Championship 14 points clear of second placed competitor Ethan Hammerton. Except for a mechanical non-finish in the first race, Will has had consistent results all year, never finishing less than 4th place and nailed fastest laps in the last few rounds. He now takes his JSCC prize of a full test drive programme in the pickup racing series!



Pembrey details

Timetable 1.0 added to calendar section

Phil Laughton photography, have indicated that they are unable to cover this round due to the clash with their BTCC commitments.

However Ian Jarvis at Diesel Head Media has offered his services, as he will already be in attendance.
Please feel free to contact Ian ( ian@dieselheadsmedia.com) if you require any pictures.

Oulton Park Paddock Plan and Garage allocation

Please see the paddock plan and garage allocation published earlier this week.

The Clio’s predominantly occupy the garages, but BARC set aside 5 garages (23-27) for JSCC.
Note Garage 27 shares the exit route for the pitlane – (an oversight when the new garages were built).

Stuck between a rock and a hard place, with not enough (small) garages for everyone Northstar Motorsport Ltd assigned the garages to teams building/running multiple cars in the JSCC.

These teams often support other competitors in the paddock, and are usually the first point of call for those looking for spare parts or help. More often, they are also the last to leave.

Northstar appreciate the support and help from all the competitors in the paddock, and wish everyone a successful weekend.


Oulton Park Testing

Please note:

Due to unexpected demand for testing on Friday 14th August we have now had to separate the closed wheel group into two units.

Logically this means the juniors will now have their own session.

A timetable can be found here, however the track time will remain the same for all drivers, ie 4 x 30 minute sessions for those booking a full day.

·        Please take time to read the Track margin limits and rules – these will be enforced on all test and track days.

·        Registration will be at Chequers Restaurant from 08.00-09.30. Registration after this time will be at the Fogarty Moss. Centre.  Registration for the PM only will be from 12.30 in the Fogarty Moss Centre.

·        Due to a private event, access to the circuit will be after 17.30 on Thursday 13 August.  

Important information:

·        Please ensure that vehicle movement is kept to a minimum around the venue.  The venue imposes a speed limit of 10MPH.

·        At registration all drivers will be required to show their race licences for inspection.

·        MotorSport Vision Ltd reserves the right to cancel a booking at any time and for any reason, in which case the option either to re-book to a further date or make a full refund will be offered.

·        For the avoidance of doubt the maximum limit will be 105 dBa for Saloons or 108 dBa for Single Seaters measured at 0.5m at a 45 degree angle with engine running at ¾ maximum revs.

·        Please note that all vehicles will be subject to static noise check before they are allowed on circuit. This will be in the collecting area at the end of the pit lane from 0900 and a pass sticker will be issued once successfully completed. Please arrive in plenty of time to avoid losing any track time.

·        Although Oulton Park are not operating to a specific drive-by noise limit, we nevertheless monitor drive-by levels, and if the results of the monitoring show that a particular vehicle is generating drive-by levels appreciably higher than vehicles with comparable static test results, then we reserve the right to notify the participant, following which, the relevant participant must not take any further part in the event until he/she has reduced the noise levels generated by the vehicle to bring them within acceptable limits as established by further static or drive-by testing.

·        Vehicles that generate excessive ‘backfire’ noise during gear shifts will be monitored closely and may be prevented from further participation if the noise is considered to be excessive. If the backfire noise can be reduced by remapping, track activity may be resumed following further evaluation of the problem.

·        Should your car suffer a mechanical engine failure, please do not attempt to drive back to the pits.  You must immediately pull off the circuit into a safe position such that we can arrange for you to be recovered.  We have recently suffered several significant losses in track time due to oil being deposited around the circuit and it is imperative we avoid a repeat of these situations.



Gemma Stevenson

Events Manager

MotorSport Vision

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