Rockingham Final Instructions
Paddock plan can be found in the Calendar section.
JSCC just received the tickets from the BARC , so these will be given out on Friday.
Friday Testing Sessions: One exclusive session 17:00 – 18:00 hrs
Noise Limit: 105db static (all cars will be noised tested in noise test area adjacent to scrutineering bay)
18:00 – Access to inner paddock, Thursday 3rd April
07:00 – Access to inner paddock, Friday 4th April
16:00-17:00 – Noise testing outside scrutineering bay
16:15-16:45 – Sign on garage 35/36
17:00 – Testing commences
18:00 – End
Garages: Please note although you have been allocated garages for the weekend, (3-11) I regret that there are no garages available to you to use on Friday. Therefore, please park with consideration for teams requiring access for set up. Teams in turn have been asked to vacate by 18:00 hrs.
Instructors: Instructors of A & S Grades will be allowed in the car with drivers and the fee for this will be £50 inc VAT which can be paid at sign on. All instructors will have to show their licence at sign on.
Sign on: All drivers will have to have their indemnity countersigned by a parent or guardian.
Racewear: All drivers must wear appropriate racewear.